How do I get my product into China?
If your product needs testing to be permitted in China, PRI can help you with several kinds of testing depending on the product you have. You can establish a China sales office to sell your product into the market, attend exhibitions and provide a service line. PRI can provide a low cost solution by hiring and managing a 100% dedicated sales engineer/manager on your behalf.
How do I get my company into China?
There are an increasing number of options: forming a Joint Venture (JV), a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE), Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprise (FICE) or a Representative Office (RO). PRI has extensive experience with more than twenty China ventures and will help you determine the right path for your company.
How do I get a factory started in China?
City and site selection, registration with government agencies, hiring personnel, building or fitting out a factory, equipment purchasing and other issues are all part of the process in starting a factory in China. Again, PRI has extensive knowledge and experience in these areas and will help you through this process with both advice and practical assistance.
What about JVs in China?
Successful JVs are difficult to find in China. We would usually recommend doing a WFOE unless you have a specific reason for wanting to enter into a JV. PRI will assist you in choosing the best direction to take and help you through the process.